The Fairy with the Broken Wing:
Over the last 4 weeks I have been in a bit of a funk. After coming to ground with a thud following a 4 month "high", things have been moving much slower, there's been sadness and drama surrounding me (particularly in the last week)...... and at times I have wondered whether the "magic" is just my imagination / not real. But even in this current space, the wonderful Universe which I know has found a way to remind me that something wonderful really is going on - even if I haven't quite figured it out or I may never figure it out.
How symbolic is the fairy with the broken wing? Yesterday I collected my mail and found a little parcel from my friend Annette, who often sends me little random gifts. Who knows why sometimes but always with great intent. I opened it up to find a little pink fairy with a broken wing and a note, saying "this is for Missy. I know her Dad will play Mr Fix It so I've also sent some super glue" :0 It just amazes me sometimes how things work in the collective unconscious!!!
It happened to be Missy's 5th birthday and I don't think my friend even knew that. All the more special. Off I went to the little tea party and to find out about my little grand daughter's day. When I showed the little fairy, glue and note to Missy's Dad, he expressed the thought that with all the presents his little girl had received that day, she probably wouldn't pay much attention to the little fairy. He tried to fix the wing with no luck.
Later in the night as I was walking to the bathroom, I peeked in to Missy's room where she was playing by herself. She was playing with the little fairy with the broken wing. I smiled with great love for my special little grand daughter.
What absolutely blew me away is that today I made an unscheduled visit to my sister's house. She was looking after her little grand daughter. As we were chatting away, precious little E came trotting out of the bedroom and in her hand was a little fairy with a broken wing pictured above - very similar to the one Annette had sent for Missy. My sister said she never usually plays with it, just this morning. It had been in the bedroom. Go figure!
And ...... as I'm typing this I notice my tinkerbell earrings just happen to be sitting by the computer!!! Yep - I must never forget about the magic. I guess for a month or so, my wings were a bit broken. I feel like maybe someone found the right super glue to fix my broken wing. Maybe I will soon be flying again.
Over the last 12 months or so, I have noticed myself using the word “magic” on almost a daily basis. I had a series of synchronicities happen to me about 3 years ago which led me to believe that “anything is possible” .... and hence the word magic (I guess). And as the law of attraction would have it..... magic has started attracting itself to me.
There’s been connections to Alice in Wonderland, and particularly the white rabbit. Of course – I soon figured the white rabbit is symbolic of magic. I’m amazed at how many ways this message has appeared to me...... MAGIC!!!
So now – my little vision board is evolving and there are sparkles, stars and magic wands appearing along with my “live in the moment” – Heaven on Earth – peace inside. In the next few days I am going to create my new little board.... and I am doing it with magic in mind..... anything is possible in my world.. and in my heart (not just my head) I know it is true.
Tinkerbell Earrings – When I was in grade 2 (I still have the exercise book), I wrote a little story about “I am a fairy called Tinkerbell.... I live in a garden under a mushroom..........” Now it’s gone full circle.
The other day (when I was “high” – whatever you want to perceive that to mean) I got a little bit excited about some jewellery that was cheap on ebay. I thought if I don’t want the article I can use it for presents or give to someone I love (like my sister who is getting the rose gold heart on a chain! ) I ordered 8 items (none over $10 and most around $5 including postage – so although I was “being a bit hasty” (family joke) I did think it through.
Amongst the items was a pair of fairy earrings with wings of Swarovski crystal (another term I had just come across – synchronicities). I thought I could maybe give them to my friend Annette as I had noticed she favoured fairy earrings. She explained that she didn’t care either way as she had another agenda... but I ordered them anyway.
A few days ago – I visited my friendly neighbour ( alcoholic who is always inviting me up for a drink). I went up for a softdrink for some reason (just going with the flow). I didn’t focus too much on it but looking back – as I looked around his unit, he collected miniature cars.... but seemed to have a thing about “Tinkerbell” – strange for a 75 yo male I’m thinking.
Yesterday I ventured out to the mail box. It was a bright sun shiny day. Norm came down for a chat. As we talked I opened my little package. It was the fairy earrings and I couldn’t resist putting them on as I stood in the sunshine. Norm commented on how they sparked in the sun. I couldn’t see them but I instantly felt they were meant for me.
I asked Norm about why he collected Tinkerbells. He told me that his ex partner used to call him Peter Pan (as he never wanted to grow up), so she then called herself Tinkerbell and they had a mutual friend called Wendy...... funny!!
It is my usual custom not to rush to the mirror to check my self out, so it was a while before I checked out my new “Tinkerbells”. And I love them.
Magic............ everlasting life........... do I feel a new theme coming on?
With the law of attraction I’m finding if my heart finds my way to the theme, then my mind kinda likes it..... in that order.... that’s when it really works.
And Tinkerbell flies gently and lands smoothly!
9th May, 2012
In the last week or so I have become increasingly more hypomanic. I have started to overstep the mark (as I have done before) and my ego has taken over. Synchronicities happened but I was NOT detaching or surrendering to the flow. I have become extremely anxious/ fearful over the last few days. Today I spoke up and became assertive about my boundaries, said "no" to my kids on a couple of occasions and (in doing that) began to feel more settled and positive about "beating" this monster (yet again).
I was sitting in the bathroom and thinking " God - I am down the rabbit hole..... but I think I can see the light! I just have to believe in the magic!" Believe it or not, I walked from the bathroom and as I glanced at the computer screen in the next room, there was the image of Tinkerbell (large as life). I DO believe in the magic. I just need to not be smug (and precious) about my journey. I need to let go and let God..... bloody ego - has so many disguises.
BIRD – A METAPHOR 12/6/2012
I have a friend on facebook. Her name is Soaring Bird. The
name attracted me initially plus a couple of comments she made on John Denver
sites. I asked her to be my friend one time a couple of months ago when I was a
bit elevated and overstepping my boundaries. She accepted and we chatted a bit.
It appears she feels a connection with John Denver (as do I). At the same time
(coincidentally) there was another lady who believes John Denver fathered her
love children (or something to that extent). I quickly said hello / goodbye to
her. And not long after, I thanked
Soaring Bird for her chats and “unfriended” her as well, feeling I had learned
a lesson and that was.... my ego was working overtime again and nothing good
could possibly come from it.
Not long after, one day I was talking with another BP friend
who was telling me about a shrine she had built calling it “Ascension”. It
featured a lady with wings flying up to the sky. I thought “that’s funny – just
yesterday an Irish John Denver fan / friend of mine on fb had posted a picture
of a rare JD album called “Aerie” and it was a lady with wings flying up to the
I was
seeing a pattern. Another friend with bipolar had repeated dreams of a bird
flying up to the sky a couple of years ago.
I started to thinking about “Soaring Bird” and the
synchronicity of that so I recontacted her. She mentioned a couple of things
which connected with my thinking and ......... I was “off” (as I do)
I had a restless couple of days, feeling myself getting
elevated and knowing just what that meant. As I was sitting at the computer I
heard a loud crash and thought something had happened outside. I discovered
later that it had been my vision board falling off the wall in the kitchen.
As I bent down to pick it up and place it on the wall again,
I noticed one earring which I had attached to the board. It was “Tinkerbell”
smiling at me. As I looked at it I noticed something. Tinkerbell is a lady with
wings flying...... but her legs are stretched out in front of her. I thought.......
that is telling me something.......... There is no need to be “soaring” (and by
the way, I had synchronously come across that word 2-3 times today).... as
magic Tinkerbell is floating gently.... at peace with her world. What’s the
rush? I am not in control. I surrender. Thankyou magic fairy...... I don’t want
to be “soaring” Aerie........
Bit like the hare versus the tortoise...... LOL
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