Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Mind is the Last Frontier

The Mind is the Last Frontier  March 6th, 2013

I’ve been pondering upon this blog for several weeks. I feel inspired to write but when it comes time to sit and do it, I can’t do it. I guess it is so important (to me) to write down whatever would be helpful and I don’t trust myself enough to do it without ego. But I will try. Like many writers will say, they sit down to write maybe a song or a story (or a book) and the words just come from somewhere. A bit like this lyric from a song written by my son Casey Barnes called “All Falls Down”. I recently asked him where he got the lyric from. He had to stop and think to recall the song even. Then he said “I don’t know Mum. The words just come from somewhere” Maybe – this is Grace at work. The lyric goes...... “can’t you see, when you run on the tightrope it all falls down? Can’t you see you will know when your feet touch the ground?” I’ve been running on the tightrope a fair bit lately. And – yes – I do know when my feet touch the ground.

It’s hard work. The mind is a powerful thing, and I know the word “journey” is a cliché.. but my life and the journey of my mind has been hard work. I used to hate myself as I was labelled as a kid as “lazy”. I guess in a way I am... but I’ve forgiven myself for that. The work that I do goes unseen, but is nevertheless all consuming, passionate. I have always been a seeker of truth since apparently I walked home with Jesus as a young child (apparently). I told my family and of course they didn’t believe me. I sobbed my heart out. I don’t remember this, but my sister has told me the story.

My parents taught me a few very important lessons (in their own simple and unique way). The importance of Truth, patience, a strong belief in destiny (my Mum) and the importance of Intent (although my Dad didn’t say it in those words, that is what he meant). It’s funny because you don’t a;ways know the reason why you are taken down a certain road. A few years ago I had so many synchronicities which led me to believe I just had to go to a workshop here on the Gold Coast by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I was so sure I was meant to get some huge answers from them (Abraham) – especially as “The Secret” and law of attraction was definitely flavour of the year.

On the day, I scraped the side mirror on the car on my way out of the garage, got lost finding the venue, couldn’t get a parking spot and was the last one seated (there were lots of people there). I struggled to be inspired. Something wasn’t resonating with ME. What did resonate with me was a feeling that something wasn’t quite right and I reflected on this for a long time. At the interval when people were able to buy merchandise, it didn’t feel peaceful or spiritual at all (it felt like a bunch of people at the horse races pushing and shoving to get their bets on). I had a picture in my head of a scene from The Poseidon Adventure where two groups of people were trying to find their way out of the ship and they met and had a conversation. The smaller group were going the right way. They others were headed for disaster. I DID, however buy 2 books (without thinking too much about it – bit random). Interestingly one was by Wayne Dyer and one book Esther & Jerry Hicks. Both were about INTENTION. “Whatever’s Written in Your Heart – that’s all that matters” – Gerry Rafferty. I believe there is so much truth from that and everything stems from that.

So in reference to the Law of Attraction, I have proven to myself over and over that I CAN and DO manifest (and I believe people with bipolar have this ability) as I’m sure do others. BUT that is where we get sucked in... as manifesting just from your ego mind is not the way. If the heart isn’t working together with the mind, you may THINK you’re getting out of the ship........ but that is your TRICKSTER ARCHETYPE at work. Yes – that bloody trickster has got me on so many occasions and from so many different angles. I guess that is why it is the trickster. (Thanks to Carl Jung and Robert Ohotto for teaching me about it). So unless you are truly in touch with your INTENT, your road could be bumpy.

So – the synchronicities are abounding – but now I need to work out if my heart (the Source) is on board with me. Well – I’ve talked on so many occasions about SURRENDER. I can’t emphasise this word enough. In this world of duality (hopefully on the way to Unity Consciousness – according to new age thinking) we are taught from a young age that the only way to succeed in this world is to work hard, gather up possessions, create security for yourself etc. THAT is an illusion. A fear-based way leads to a need for control (Celestine Prophecy Series is a good way to understand this one.... but many other great books on this). Control is the opposite to SURRENDER. The ego doesn’t want to surrender. BUT WE ARE NEVER IN CONTROL!!! Some people don’t finally understand surrender until they finally pass away and onto the next world.

So – although in my head I understand surrender..... it still gets me. That old ego – every time. But the Universe finds ways to let me know I’m going THERE again. Recently I was struggling – wanting to intrude on others with my thoughts and ideas (it’s like a spell that draws you in). I had been going to bed with my ipod (as when I’m elevated, I feel terribly lonely and isolated. The music helps to calm me down). I have almost 900 songs on that ipod.... but just as I was about to nod off, a podcast came on. I don’t remember deliberately putting it on the ipod. It was Robert Ohotto – basicly talking about shadow archetypes (which we all have) and how when surrendering you may be coming from a shame-based place or a soul-based place. I knew straight away what I had to “get”. My BULLY archetype (where I keep pushing my ideas onto people) was what was preventing me on this occasion from surrendering. There’s more to the story... but this was powerful for me. It was 2 am. I sat up in bed and sent Robert Ohotto a message (mind you me – the bully had defriended him and was upset with him because he hadn’t answered a message). I thanked him from the bottom of my heart for being the soul who loved me enough to deliver that message. That may sound strange to some.... but not to me. Guess what? Within 5 minutes he had answered me, saying “Good onya Maz!!!!”

But then, along with surrender comes a biggie (for me)... detachment from outcomes. The ego (in itself) says you are attached to outcomes, as you want desperately to be in control. I have to talk to myself a lot, and pray a lot about detachment. BUT THESE ARE THE THINGS WE NEED TO LEARN ON A SPIRITUAL PATH. Of course there is also forgiveness, gratitude, discernment, responsibility........... and I have been shown them all by the Grace of God.

Over the last few months I have lived a very reclusive life (some may say in my comfort zone – but I beg to differ, as I call it a RESPONSIBILITY zone). I don’t always like the solitude, although (I’ll be honest) sometimes I love it. In that time, I know there are some family and friends who have worried about me..... but I thank them all for NOT CONTROLLING me and allowing me to do what I have had to do. Not unlike Carl Jung (who went through a similar dark night of the soul).... but out of it came some huge revelations... and the famous RED BOOK.  There are some who say that I should write a book. If I said it all I would curl some hairs!!!! Recently I have found a friend on facebook who I have unloaded onto. He is a lovely man and I thank God that he has come along. No judgement. I bared my soul to him... risking humiliation. Humility (according to Caroline Myss) is our biggest fear. So I guess I have faced my biggest fear.

Many philosophers say the mind is the last frontier. Well – I can say (for sure) I know very little of the world as such. I am geographically challenged and I have spent my life in search of Spiritual Truth and the mastery of my Mind. As that was my Intent (and I believe that God knows my heart) I have had a lot of help along the way. I can only describe that as God's Grace.

Interestingly, this was the message I overheard in a conversation which took place in the foyer at interval from the Esther and Jerry Hicks presentation. Synchronicities that you wouldn't believe got me to go....... but it wasn't the show itself I was meant to see, it was the likes of this message and certainly in the books I bought containing the word INTENT. So key!!

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