Monday, September 2, 2024



This is written for my dear friend Daisy. You see – it all started with her and she is a huge part of this story. Actually I may not share it with anyone else. It is just our little amazing story.

The story starts when Daisy arrived loaded with gifts and one of them was a pair of pants with aboriginal print on them which she got from the op shop (as Daisy loves to do...). At first I thought “oh they’re too big” and it was a while before I even tried them on. When I did I found them to be comfortable and not that much too big. I have worn them a lot and washed them a few times.

They have pockets and I love to put my hands inside. I could feel something like a button inside. I thought it must be the button off my dressing gown. One day I pulled it out randomly and when I looked at it I found it to be a little round medallion – a bit bigger than a five cent piece. It was a woman’s head and the word “Delphi” . I hadn’t heard of it before but was soon to find out.

The Oracles of Delphi are well known – belonging to Apollo – an important god of music, truth, prophecy, healing, the sun, light, plague poetry and more (according to Google). If you check Wikipedia you will see the stories of the two eagles which Zeus set out from two sides of Gaia and they met at Delphi. Also Delphi is the derivative of dolphin..... the story of Apollo and how the laurel wreath came into being......... so you can see that these pants are very important and I treat them with much reverence.

The fact that John Denver’s song “Spirit” features Apollo in the chorus did not escape my notice.

Apollo taught me to rhyme

Orpheus taught me to play

Andromeda cast down her sign

And Vega lights my way


Two days later there was a loud knock on my door and it was next door neighbour, Barb telling me she was getting the pest controller in as she had mice and spiders. The next day I was sitting on the couch and a mouse ran out from behind some parcels. I felt I was meant to see that mouse so I googled “mouse –symbolism” . Yep – something was going on as the mouse relates to Apollo.


Around this time Daisy was picking up on an Ancient Greece theme – coerced into watching “Troy” with the kids , a book fell into her lap from her book case on Ancient Greece. We were both seeing references everywhere like on stamps, I bought Daisy a book set in Ancient Greece for her birthday called “Circe”.


Separate from the ancient Greece theme, there was an anchor theme happening big time. I won’t say much about that here except that everyone was seeing the anchor in strange and wonderful places.


Also – a dolphin fell off my charm bracelet and I found it in my bed. I’ve had that bracelet for 16 years and not a problem before.



The next month (May – I think because Prince William and Meghan Markle were married at the time) the news was focussing on the words laurel and yanny. Apparently when people heard the word, they would hear either one or the other. I was watching The Project one night and as they spoke of it I noticed my finger was on Joseph Campbell in face book. I thought (looking at the logo ) – that is a laurel wreath. At least that is what I thought – but couldn’t get a definite answer in a Joseph Campbell group. However I found the myth of Apollo, Daphne, Daphne’s dad the river god turning Daphne into a laurel wreath and the wreath becoming a favourite of Apollo, becoming a symbol of victory. Later I was to find upon typing in Joseph Campbell to a face book search I find that Delphi is pictured at the top of the page and the story closely linked to Joseph Campbell (upon reading some of the comments)....... Victim to Victory..........



So signs about VICTORY kept popping up. One example is a two-fold sign. When Cherie finally got herself a home I always thought it would be a turning point in all of our lives (don’t know why). I was so happy for her when she moved in and things started falling into place. One day shortly after she moved in, I received a text saying she had discovered some awesome things in the back yard and also she said “look at my door knocker!!”




Then Daisy came to visit again – once again laden with goodies. One was a Willow Tree figurine called “courage”. At first I thought I had plenty of stuff so I asked if I could give it to Cherie. Dais was cool with that.... but alas Cherie (practicing the art of speaking her truth) chose to give it a miss as she had plenty of ornaments and nowhere to put it. So I decided to keep it. When I put it on the table with the others I could see why I kept it. It didn’t say “courage” to me. It said VICTORY!!!

Well – at this point my head was full. I’m thinking too much and need to let go of attachment.... all the time praying for guidance...

This morning as I was getting out of bed I knocked my mobile phone on the floor. As I bent down to pick it up I glanced sideways and I had 3 new pair of bras sitting on a crate beside my bed – with tags still on them waiting for me to return them to Myers as they are too small. One of the tags was hanging out and the brand name on it was Triumph....  When you Google victory, synonym  you get triumph.









Then there was the time a few years ago when one night I printed out over twenty pages of Charli’s journal which I had written about her first five years. I pulled out two plastic folders to put the pages in. There was a red one and a black one. I chose the black one instinctively.. then noticed the word “victory” written on the bottom right hand side. I knew that would resonate with Charli as I recalled a few years before one night (I was slightly elevated) when she and I had a mad hatters tea party. We had such fun. She spilt water on the floor and splashed around with such joy I will never forget her little face. We had rabbits and tea set – the works. That night my ipod was playing on random and a song by the Seekers came on. It was “When the Stars Begin to Fall” . One verse goes “you will hear the sound of victory; you will hear the sound of victory. You will hear the sound of victory.... when the stars begin to fall....” Charli shouted out “victory” as though she knew it was important.





9th June 2019 

Today my sister Bombi ( Ann Bombi Weller) passed away after long suffering but a very fast ending when diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of primary lungs. She was a fighter, she was stoic – she lived a tough life. She was the real deal – true blue.


This is a picture taken from a super 8 movie from 1974 – Christmas with the extended family. Looks like Victory to me!!


And Bombi’s husbands name is Victor!!!!!!!  And when I was a teenager he asked me to paint a statue which stood at the entrance to his mansion on the hill


Tell me a story Dad..............

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