Monday, April 29, 2013

Synchronicities - God's Miracles

Synchronicities are just an everyday occurrence for me now. I am learning not to over-interpret them, therefore driving them on with my ego. The message of SURRENDER has been shown to me so many times that I know I'm supposed to "get it" (see another blog entitled "Sweet Surrender"). Another blog I wrote was about DETACHMENT FROM OUTCOMES which is another key lesson - not just for those of us with bipolar, but for anyone who wishes to be on a spiritual path.
I was in the middle of a pretty major manic episode. My mind was working overtime and I was pushing hard, seeking answers. It was a Saturday and raining heavily (a good excuse to stay in bed and read my latest book called "Embracing Coincidence" by Carol Lynn Pearson. It just happened to arrive the day before, just when I needed it (as I was feeling lonely and desperate). I had actually started out to purchase it back in January and then found it was out of stock, then a name change (it was originally called "Consider the Butterfly"). That rainy day brought with it a series of little messages, I'll just speak of one of them as it relates to my first paragraph.
I had been speaking with a friend about the importance of surrender (letting go) and I told her the story about a song that John Denver recorded (twice) on his last ever album. I had come to believe that the message from the song was important (otherwise why would John record it twice??) It's called "Jenny Dreamed of Trains" The message is exactly what I have come to believe and (as I said) have been shown - surrender and detach from outcomes. In detaching from outcomes, you are letting go of ego and TRUSTING IN GOD (the Universe)

Shortly after sharing this story with my friend, I went to the study where I checked my facebook. There was a video of a little boy jumping on a bed. Abstractly I clicked on an attachment. It was totally random

The video was just a little boy jumping on a bed, but suddenly I had clicked on the above link (not even noticing it said dream big). It took me to a site promoting silver and coin etc........... but the thing that jumped out at me was the penny protruding on which was written in bold print IN GOD WE TRUST...... which was the exact punchline to song "Jenny Dreamed of Trains" (unfortunately, the page has now changed so you are not able to see the picture I described above)

I get it. I got it. I totally trust. This detachment is absolutely key to overcoming mania as usually there is some "carrot" which keeps enticing you on. Your ego does not want to let go and therein lies the reason I struggle. Letting go AND detaching from outcomes is the absolute cure. It has just taken me a while to "get it"

So - my bottom line is this.... if you have a dream, go ahead and dream it, embrace it (see Wayne Dyer's book "Wishes Fulfilled"). If it's an authentic heartfelt dream - connected to Source, with pure intent, have faith..... BUT let go.... In God We Trust...... then walk away.