Wednesday, June 20, 2012


There Have been many ways in which  Dr Wayne Dyer has helped me and my bipolar. I stUmbled upon him about 6 years ago and he has been a constant shining star and teacher for me.

From “The Power of Intention” to “Change your Thoughts. Change your Life” and the latest one “Wishes Fulfilled” are just a few of his books that have touched me. The movie which was originally called “Ambition to Meaning” and later changed to “The Shift” was especially poignant for me.

In an interview which he gave as an adjunct to the movie, I noted some very wise words which have stayed with me and I KNOW to be absolutely necessary for me in my bipolar journey. Dr Dyer had several mentors which he quotes regularly – Carl Jung was one (with synchronicities, archetypes,  the power of the collective unconsciousness and the shadow), and also there was Abraham Maslow (on self actualization). I had heard of Maslow when I did a course on working with the disabled so his name isn’t new to me.

He believed that 2 points are “Key” to self actualization and I believe “Key” to my bipolar disorder. They are (1) Being independent of the good opinion of others and (2) Being detached from the outcomes. Being detached from outcomes is such an important lesson. When in the throes of mania and synchronicities are happening "off the wall" -  you can choose to go one or two ways. If you allow the ego to "win" you will run with that and the result will be psychosis (perceived by others as total madness). However if you choose to DETACH YOURSELF FROM OUTCOMES (LET GO), then straight away your energy level will settle. By not holding on to what is happening and surrendering it all to a greater power than yourself (EGO = edge God out), the way it all plays out can be so much better. YOU can be in control of yourself and choose to be responsibility. Therein lies another blog topic - The Dream versus The Prophecy.

Dr Dyer believes these are important as he calls the difference between the “morning of our lives” from the “afternoon of our lives”. The two key pointS above are important in the afternoon of our lives. I have found these two points to be major as I work with my bipolar. 

PLEASE – if you have read this, try to “GET” it.  As I’ve said in other blogs many times – it is so important to SURRENDER and DETACH (see 2 other blogs on these and how I learned the lessons)

There is something bigger than you at play. It doesn’t mean you are not manifesting some amazing stuff....... BUT THE KEY IS TO DETACH from it and allow it to flow. Go with the flow and don’t try to control the situation.


Since I started this blog, I have read and reread a more recent book by Dr Dyer called "I Can See Clearly Now" which is about his life and why it all makes sense. He is confident that his main purpose in life is to teach self reliance. So - of course he spent several years in an orphanage..  pg 19 " I know that every single encounter, every challenge, and every situation are all spectacular threads in the tapestry that represents and defines my life, and I am deeply grateful for all of it". I have come to agree with him. What a revelation!! People who you push your buttons are teaching you a lesson!!!!!

And I'm convinced that I came in with a purpose to learn to let go of ego. My early experiences of bipolar were my stepping stones. I had to learn who I was and to BE INDEPENDENT OF THE GOOD OPINION OF OTHERS - something which I found extremely difficult - still do...... but I am determined to get there... LESSONS.... ALL THE LESSONS!!!!


  1. I, too, enjoy all of Dr. Dyer's books. I have found that meditation changed my life and many bipolar symptomology, especially when it comes to the constant chatter of negative self talk and just an unquiet mind in general. I have prayed regularly since I was a small child, but it took meditation to induce a pervasive peace. I haven't read your whole blog, but I have to take medication; there is no getting around that for me. I have 4 autoimmune illnesses, which I also cannit seem to do without meds for either, but meditation has helped put my thoughts at rest after living with awful thoughts for my whole life.

  2. Hey Angiepm - I am so happy that you have been able to master meditation. It's not easy to conquer the mind chatter. I'm only just getting there now after all this time. I've been too busy working my mind to work out my mind. lol

    Namaste - feel free to stay in touch. Happy to share any time.
