On page 100 of the little pocket book "Guide to Chakras" by Joy Gardner-Gordon it mentions that a characteristic of EXCESSIVE CHAKRA ENERGY in the seventh chakra is psychotic, depressed or manic depressive. In many ways, there is so little understood about the condition bipolar or manic depression. We need to EDUCATE each other in a responsible and caring way. The old ways are fast becoming just that....... old.
It seems (all of a sudden) it is now in the collective consciousness that so-called mental illness is now being recognised as a spiritual crisis, maybe needing the help of a shaman or at least somebody who is compassionate to the person who is in crisis. I recently came across a documentary which is in process called "Crazy-wise - the documentary" Also a guy named Sean Blackwell runs a You tube site which he calls bipolarorwakingup. It's worth checking out his website (www.bipolarORwakingUP.com) as he has an amazing story and is constantly working to educate us about the spiritual side of bipolar and mental illness.
I feel it is time WE all realised that we are not sick (as such), we are sensitive, intuitive, visionary, maybe prophetic and we just need some understanding.
I didn't speak about what the little chakra book says about bipolar "in balance". But it is a great little book.... and it's worth checking it out.
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